Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hurricane Humberto Crashes Into Texas Coast

Humberto slammed the southeast coast of Texas just east of High Island at about 3am ET, near the neighboring southern state of Louisiana. The storm is expected to weaken as it crosses Louisiana, US officials said.

A hurricane warning was issued from east of High Island to the town of Cameron in Louisiana and Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has already declared a state of emergency ahead of the arrival of the storm.

The category one storm - the lowest strength on the five-level Saffir-Simpson scale - is expected to drop between five and 10 inches of rain on the already-saturated Texas and Louisiana coasts, but authorities have not ordered residents to evacuate.

Texas Governor Rick Perry has already activated search and rescue teams and state resources, including 50 vehicles, 200 soldiers, six Blackhawk helicopters and two swift-water rescue teams before Humberto even grew into a hurricane.




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